Santa & Mrs. Claus

Just down the hill, the town of Evergreen will be hosting some very illustrious guests this weekend. The Evergreen Downtown Business Association is holding its 20th annual Holiday Walk in downtown Evergreen, on Friday, December 2, beginning with the 5:00pm arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Lake House to light the community tree. Santa & Mrs. Claus will arrive in a fire truck to light the tree and sing carols. Caroling will be lead by the Evergreen Lutheran Church Choir.

After the tree lighting, you can continue the holiday cheer by walking with Santa and Mrs. Claus to historic downtown Evergreen for photos, roasted chestnuts, choirs, bell ringers, face painting, dance performances, and more.  You can make your own Christmas ornaments and wooden toys too!  Join in the celebration with local merchants, taking advantage of holiday specials, live entertainment throughout the evening and holiday treats. Photos with Santa & Mrs. Claus will be at the Ice House Café. Photos begin at 6:45 P.M. and the cost is $5 (and well worth it since this is the real Santa and his wife.)

This is an incredibly fun event, especially for the little ones. Bundle up your kiddos (and yourself, too) and come out for a night of merriment and memories. Shuttle service will be available from Hiwan Homestead, Church of the Transfiguration, Lake House, and RTD parking lot next to Christ the King Church on Hwy 74.

Christmas Cheer

Thanksgiving is this week and Christmas is just around the corner! Are you already in the holiday spirit, or do you need some help getting there? Don’t miss the fun of the Idaho Springs annual Christmas Decorating Contest. It’s a little friendly competition that’s sure to get you in the holiday mood and cash prizes will be awarded to those with the best display. Check out the link for more information on how to be a part of some small town Christmas cheer!

Christmas Decorating Contest


Meet Me in Idaho Springs: Encounter

The cold had started to settle for the autumn months on Main Street, leaving a light skiff of snow around the lampposts, encouraging the early morning crowd to add a wooly scarf and gloves to their cargo shorts and boots.  In Idaho Springs, long pants with real coats weren’t considered necessary until mid-November, and even then you kept your hoodie close by for those “almost like summer” days.  Ricky pulled off her vest as she found a place at one of the front tables at the Mainstreet Restaurant and ordered her favorite short stack of plate sized buttermilk pancakes and apple cider glazed pork loin.  Mainstreet Restaurant was one of those places in town where people gathered to see “what was up on the street”, and there was a crowd seated now discussing if the Christmas tree lighting should be on December first, or if they should move it to December 2nd since it was a Friday.  One of the guys, in his early sixties, looking like he was fit to climb Mount Evans that afternoon, seated himself across from Ricky as she was having her coffee refilled.  They discussed the tree dilemma and Ricky voted for the Friday lighting.  A younger man, one she’d seen coming out of Tommyknocker Brewery a time or two walked over to the table and seconded Ricky’s opinion about the tree lighting.  He suggested that Friday was a better “date night”, then he left his card on the table and sauntered out the front door.